First, the philosophical portion of the post. You didn't really think I'd launch right into ingredients and measurements, did you?
I truly believe the Greeks were onto something when they latched on to Socrates' words, "Know thyself". I, too, ascribe to this aphorism and every now and then take some time for self-assessment. It's not supposed to be a nit-picky critique or a binding acknowledgement of limitations. Just an assessment. There can be some incredulity, some half-hearted acceptance speeches, and a bit of challenge involved, but all in all I end up okay after these moments of inner exploration. It's not always heavy topics; sometimes it's really simple things. Ever seen the movie Runaway Bride where Julia Roberts plays a young woman serially engaged but always ditching the groom at the altar? The bottom line of the film is that she doesn't know who she is. She doesn't even know how she likes her eggs. Personal FYI: Soft-boiled served in a bowl with torn bites of buttered toast.
One thing I've been certain of nearly my whole life is that I'm a salty. While I admit I've wiled away many an hour in college taking funny online quizzes titled "Which ______ are you?", right now I'm not alluding to some personality quiz's declaration that I have a cranky way of dealing with life. I'm literally talking about salt v. sugar. Given the choice I'd almost always take a cracker over a cookie, pizza over dessert (well, pizza over anything really), and a bagel over a doughnut. My husband is the opposite...but you know what they say about opposites.
P.S. For those of you holding your breath about this, according to the quiz "What X-Man are You?", I'd be Dr. Jean Grey.
While I've spent years honing my skills and indulging my love of cooking, it stands to reason considering the above acknowledgment that I've never been much of a baker or dessert-maker unless an occasion demands it. It doesn't bother me, it's just another personal fact. But I was never more woefully aware of this until moving south of the Mason-Dixon line. I arrived in a land where desserts didn't mess around, meringues were mile-high, the sweet offerings at a gathering outnumbered the main dishes 2-to-1, and every other person's name (male or female) was likely to be pronounced "Shuguh". For the most part I've flown under the radar and done just fine bringing side or main dishes to potluck events. However, every once in a while I get brave (interchangeable with foolish or forgetful) and bring a dessert. Black-bottom Banana Cream Pie went over well and Pumpkin Cheesecake was a hit, but nothing has been more simple, satisfying, or reliable than this fruit crisp. Three of the reasons I love this crisp are its flexibility to seasonal change, the fact that it can be whipped together with what I have fresh on hand, in the freezer, and in my pantry, and that it allows the fruit to shine without being super sweet. In the line-up of butterscotch, chocolate, and coconut, bars, trifles, and other goopy goodness, it quietly holds it's own like the little red head that's stolen Charlie Brown's heart. While Lucy has the most lines, the little red head holds his affection. And this crisp holds mine.
I'm perfectly happy with my saccharine limitations. In fact, I'm of the school of thought that sugar intake should be very limited in the diet anyway. Yet still, I like the idea of having an effortless crowd pleaser up my sleeve that at least I know borders on...gasp...healthy! There'll be plenty more occasions where I can push the limits with panna cotta, lemon creme brulee, and double duty knock-your-teeth-out chatter-winning concoctions.
Any-Kind-Of-Fruit Crisp
2 quarts fresh, fresh frozen, or home-canned fruit
Tip: I typically use a combination of fruit so as not to over-use one particular variety in my pantry. Also, I do not freeze fruit with sugar or can with a sugar-syrup, so the fruit in this recipe is simply that...just fruit. Sometimes it's best to combine tart fruit with a sweeter companion as your tastes dictate. i.e. blueberry-peach, blackberry-blueberry-strawberry
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup brown sugar, packed *Experimenting is great to further cut down sugar content
1 cup rolled oats
1-1/2 tsp cinnamon
1-1/2 tsp nutmeg
2/3 cup butter, slightly chilled
Butter a 2-qt. casserole dish. Preheat the oven to 375 F.

In a mixing bowl combine flour, brown sugar, oats, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Using a pastry cutter or two knives cut in the butter until a fine crumble is formed (no larger than pea-sized).
Sprinkle this topping liberally on the fruit making sure there's a thick layer over entire dish.
Bake 30 minutes or until golden brown and fruit is bubbling.
Cool slightly or completely. Served with a mound of ice cream, it's a phenomenal treat.
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