There's nothing like a simple question, an email, and an unexpected visit with my high school English teacher to remind me that I like to write, I have a blog, and I randomly stopped posting over a month ago. A month ago!?! My how time flies! I admit I kicked myself when the first week slipped by. But after the second week crept up on me, I drifted easily into an apathetic underwater float -- holding my breath splayed prone in the water listening to nothing but the lilt of the waves on my body, the gurgle of an intermittent bubble escaping from my nostrils, and the silence in my head. It's really quite peaceful. But eventually you have to come up for air.
"Have you decided to abandon your blog?" my mother-in-law sweetly posed across the table at Sunday lunch. Busted! I had hoped to stay underwater a while longer. "No. I just need a break," was the short version of the long answer I'd been mulling over for weeks. Why had I abruptly quit posting? I hadn't stopped cooking interesting dishes, I hadn't ceased to research natural health, the garden hadn't stopped growing, my days weren't uninteresting to me, and I certainly hadn't changed my philosophies about simple, intentional living. But I had gotten the feeling that my posts were strained. I was anxious about what to write next or how to keep it interesting. I was concerned about being too preachy or elementary. And the inkling that readers (however plenteous or few they may be) might not actually DO anything with my posts was discouraging. What if no one is actually interested in how I make mayonnaise or that I'm an educated, accomplished young woman purposely living without conventional career aspirations? More than the "How To" is anyone being influenced by the "Why"? I let the cursor remain idle as these questions hung heavily in the air.
And in this moment of creative floundering, the weirdest thing happened...
My high school English teacher from Connecticut came to Louisville, Kentucky. Despite my inflated opinion of my moments of academic glory under his tutelage, his voyage to the Bluegrass State had nothing to do with seeing his former students. He, a Harvard grad and valedictorian of his class, was here for a week grading 40,000 AP English Literature exams with a crew of other veteran English teachers. Graciously, he got in touch with my sisters and me in hopes that we could catch up during a free evening. Here I was covertly protesting the pen and one of my foremost influences literally comes to town!
To my relief, we spoke very little about my writing. (Though I did ask him to clarify a grammatical conundrum I'd been wrestling with recently. I'm such a nerd!) The small group of us enjoyed the evening telling stories and giving updates about family, school, work, and leisure. Parting ways, I could have wiped my brow and skulked back into my corner, but the third spirit to visit this Scrooge-y author arrived this morning as I opened my inbox. The subject of an email forwarded by my mother beamed: "Attention, Writers!" It was a reminder for an annual statewide writing contest that I'd submitted to in the past. Can I not have a moment's peace!?!
A part of me, the part that craves creatively organizing my myriad thoughts into print, got the message that I'd had my moment's peace and it was time to get back on track. I remembered that I'M interested in how to make mayonnaise and why I don't have a "real job"...and a host of other things for that matter. And I remembered that I write as much for my own outlet as I do to benefit "the audience".
So with a bit of trepidation, I logged back in to once again post my musings on the web. I prefer not to think of it as having had writer's block so much as having taken a walk around the block -- as in for fresh air and to clear my head -- which everyone knows is a good thing every now and again!
Sharing recipes, laughs, musings, and how to's from my adventurous homestead, sustainable farm, and artisanal kitchen...
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Garden Tour
April showers have brought May flowers…and the vegetables
are following suit. A momentous day
arrives each spring when we can officially “plant the garden”. Leaving our fears of frost behind, we set out
with tools, seeds, and transplants to organize the mulch-covered plot into rows
and blocks. Unlike the cold frame that
has been steamily growing cool-season crops for weeks, the garden has been home
only to the garlic, asparagus, potatoes, brassica transplants, and pea shoots. All that changed on Monday. A handful of the family members bent and
stretched, dug and watered, sweat and ached. But it was worth it!
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Eat Your Weedies
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Weeds & Greens |
Anyone who has planned a community event knows that people
will show up if there’s food. Better
yet, throngs will appear if the food is free. Until recently I assumed this was a cardinal
social rule…but I've discovered an exception.
Imagine a garden growing in a neighborhood. It doesn't have to be planted, fertilized,
watered, or cultivated. Sadly, it grows
and decays each season without much more than a passing glance or aggravated
huff from the humans that share its habitat.
Why? Because this garden is
hidden in plain sight. It is the crabapples
that litter the sidewalks, the dandelions that riddle the yard, the burdock burrs
that tangle Fido’s fur, and the green haze that carpets the forest floor. Somewhere between the passage of time and the
progress of society, the wild plants around us have been demoted from
life-giving nourishment & health to pretty ornamentals at best and noxious
weeds at worst. I've always appreciated
this garden, but now I’m beginning to study it.
Like a preschooler looking at the jumble of letters that fills an
encyclopedia, I’m facing the overwhelming excitement that is the plant world in
my own proverbial back yard. Plant by
plant, part by part, one culinary and medicinal use at a time, I’m learning to
utilize the wild garden around me. I
don’t have to be an expert, I just have to begin. I’m writing to share that you can, too!
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Cold Frame Update: There's a Radish in My Salad!
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February 17th |
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Paste, Powder, & Pearly Whites

Tuesday, March 18, 2014
We All Scream for Ice Cream
Ice cream in March? I have a medical excuse. No, really!
Two of my wisdom teeth have been displaying such interesting contortions that my dentist insisted an oral surgeon remove them for exhibit in the dental hall of fame. Lucky me! I have an appointment for tomorrow. In preparation for my open-mouthed marathon, I've been busy making a few healthful, nourishing dishes that I can consume (a.k.a. slurp) later this week while I hide from admiring dental enthusiasts (a.k.a. recover at home with ice packs strapped to my cheeks). Unfortunately, ice cream has yet to be lauded as a top ten health food, but I decided to add it to my list of recovery foods for this week. I'm posting my favorite homemade custard-based recipe, comprised of (mostly) nutrient-dense and delicious ingredients. There's plenty of good stuff in this sweet delight, so I have no qualms about eating it for this "special" occasion. Besides, the soothing cool will be a welcome relief from the throbbing of my hole-y lower jaw.
P.S. As a springy St. Patrick's Day spin, I've added organic mint flavoring and mint chocolate sandwich cookies to the classic vanilla base. Get creative as you customize the ice cream flavors to your personal and seasonal favorites!
Two of my wisdom teeth have been displaying such interesting contortions that my dentist insisted an oral surgeon remove them for exhibit in the dental hall of fame. Lucky me! I have an appointment for tomorrow. In preparation for my open-mouthed marathon, I've been busy making a few healthful, nourishing dishes that I can consume (a.k.a. slurp) later this week while I hide from admiring dental enthusiasts (a.k.a. recover at home with ice packs strapped to my cheeks). Unfortunately, ice cream has yet to be lauded as a top ten health food, but I decided to add it to my list of recovery foods for this week. I'm posting my favorite homemade custard-based recipe, comprised of (mostly) nutrient-dense and delicious ingredients. There's plenty of good stuff in this sweet delight, so I have no qualms about eating it for this "special" occasion. Besides, the soothing cool will be a welcome relief from the throbbing of my hole-y lower jaw.
P.S. As a springy St. Patrick's Day spin, I've added organic mint flavoring and mint chocolate sandwich cookies to the classic vanilla base. Get creative as you customize the ice cream flavors to your personal and seasonal favorites!
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Reading: Research or Recreation?
It's hard to justify a post about reading when it's 70 degrees outside and the sun's Siren call is beckoning many of us. Attempting to live up to its schizophrenic reputation, March came into Kentucky as a roaring ice and snow storm last week and threatens to bring rain and freezing temperatures by tomorrow. But sandwiched between these blustery spells has been a slice of heaven bringing the promise of paradise on the other side. Last week's winter wonderland (the worst this season) had me snuggled seven-layers deep on my couch. I spent hours reading, savoring the sedate activity before spring's bustle of activity catapults me into the kinetic and outdoor world. In my opinion, reading is an oft-overlooked element of the auto-didactic, do-it-yourself lifestyle. It is a fundamental homestead skill. Blissfully, I blur the lines between research and recreation. I admit I rarely have time for many of the bestsellers or latest novels, but works on How-To, witty philosophical musings, food, nature, and even classic literature keep me plenty busy. I have an unending list of titles I'm eager to keep churning through. I make time to read just like I make time to grow my garden, cook from
scratch, or care for livestock. The homesteading
two-step of researching and doing is just that, a dance in which two
indispensable partners must find their rhythm without overpowering each other. I don't consider reading a luxury; I consider it a gratifying requirement of the lifestyle I've chosen. Despite the
frenetic pace in which most of us live, there are subtle ways to lace the schedule with a good read. So, dear
readers, bear with me: Below are my
tongue-in-cheek tips for How to Read.
Monday, March 3, 2014
I Can't Believe It's Real Butter!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Keep it Simple, Seedling!
I can't help but smirk when I hear the words "simple living" because the phrase and reality are as similar as black and white. When the woodstove won't draw properly, the milk sours before there's time to make yogurt, the weather doesn't cooperate with drying the laundry, and "fast food" must be made from whole food ingredients that act more like Eeyore than Speedy Gonzalez, it can be really difficult to find the "simple" in the life we've chosen. In some respects, there's very little that is actually simple about homesteading...which is why Weldon and I are finding it imperative to follow Simplicity as a guiding light. My husband likes to call it "lazy", I prefer "efficient". With each passing year in our farming and homesteading experience, it seems we aspire to be even "lazier" in our ventures ("more efficient", really). All the while, we remain unwavering in our ideals. With so many worthwhile endeavors to engage in, it's not difficult to recognize the predicament and to concede that perhaps the lazy/efficient way of doing things is the most likely to yield fulfillment and balance in the bigger picture. There's already an element of hard, why make it any harder?
And so, I'm only slightly hesitant to admit that Weldon and I are evolving into lazy (though passionate) gardeners. Why till? Why weed? Why fertilize or spray? Our gardening priorities have become whatever is low-maintenance, high output, and keeps the soil, microbes, plants, and us happy. We both love to grow things, we just don't want to work overly hard at something Nature is pretty adept at doing already. This year, we decided to turn part of our stubby, sandy anti-yard into a few raised beds for cultivating vegetables and herbs. Along with our existing container gardening, we are trying our hand at year-round growing (a la Eliot Coleman's books) and using a methodology called square-foot-gardening (a la Mel Bartholomew's books). Our previous seasons of experience with hay mulching and composting are leading us toward a system that will ideally keep weeds at bay, soil nutrients high, pests to a minimum, and good-eating to the max. Though the forecast this week says it's still winter, Weldon and I spent part of last week renewing our friendship with soil and seeds!
Monday, February 17, 2014
The Accidental Valentine
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Note to Weldon...with my lobster magnet |
Formulating our plan for Valentine's Day this year was like trying to choose the captain of a basketball team from a group of computer geeks and art students. Nothing seemed like a good fit for our tight budget and tighter schedule. Although we don't make a huge deal of the day in a conventional roses/dinner/teddy bear sense, we try to pick a fun way to conscientiously celebrate our love. But an all-star option wasn't showing up for this season! Because we rarely ever celebrate on the 14th, last Monday hit like a buzzer on the clock. Time was ticking and the outlook was grim. In reality, the alarm woke us before daylight and we set into our usual routine -- make breakfast, pack lunches, stoke the fire, and get Weldon on the road by 6:30. Somewhere in the middle of all that it struck me that it wasn't just any Monday -- it was February 10th! On that day six years prior, Weldon had taken me on our very first date. As I voiced my happy realization from the kitchen, Weldon appeared holding his blue Irish cable-knit sweater. He'd chosen to wear it for the first time this season as his weapon of choice against the freezing temperatures. Coincidentally, he'd also worn it on our date. (Queue the collective "Awwww" from the audience!) Thus began our Valentine celebrating...a lovely week with a mind all its own.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Winter Walk
Sometimes winter weather is best enjoyed with a cold nose, red cheeks, clompy boots, a good hat, and a buddy to walk with...
Sunday, February 2, 2014
My Friend
The sun shone and the wind was pleasant for the better part of the day yesterday. I ventured out in the yard to hang my laundry and gather kindling before the forecasted rains. The striking contrast to our winter weather was so invigorating that my entire being swelled with the tease of spring. The garden came to mind with my first slow gulp of warm air. Ordinarily, I'd be leaving a layer of outer wear in the house and rolling up my sleeves to get into the dirt on a day like that. But I was distracted...troubled even. As I populated the line with clothespins I thought about people, community, and friendship. Two years ago Weldon introduced me to the mother of two of his high school friends. She lived alone not far from us on a beautiful secluded farm and kept herself busy with livestock and gardening. She heard Weldon had taken the plunge into alternative agriculture and looked him up in search of a few resources. The three of us met at her home for homemade pizza and talked until late in the evening about all things homesteading and farming. We all could tell there was an enjoyable acquaintanceship brewing. A few short months later she called and preemptively asked for some assistance in the coming months -- she had just been diagnosed with late stage cancer. There are many reasons why I've chosen not to clock-in at a conventional career or to structure my life in a "normal" fashion. I just never realized that something like this would be one of them.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
From Russia with Love

Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Sick & Tired of It
Last Tuesday, I sneezed three times. On Wednesday I didn't
have enough pep to finish my day’s work. On Thursday it actually hit -- I was drippy, droopy, scratchy, throbby, runny,
and moving at a snail’s pace with a box of tissues as my constant
companion. I couldn't keep my eyes open
for more than an hour at a time and when I closed them to rest, I wouldn't actually sleep because I was so uncomfortable. Ugh. I began to scan my herbal books for some
tonics or teas that might boost my immune system, clear my sinuses, and soothe
my general feeling of ick. Of course,
the kicker was that I had to find recipes with ingredients I already had on
hand and that didn't need weeks to steep. I didn't find a cure all, but I did come across some really
handy options I intend to share. The
chicken soup with homemade broth that I’d coincidentally made earlier in the
week was Step 1. Step 2 was a tasty
ginger-cinnamon-peppercorn-herb brew that went to work on my nasal passages
while I sipped it every few hours. In
desperate need of something for my Sahara sore throat, I came across an odd culinary
mixture that worked like a charm as long as I gargled with it every hour or
so. A Garlic-Onion-Honey rub helped deter the hint of congestion that began settling in my chest. Last, but not least, I sealed my
puny visage with chilled "rice" socks: one covering my throbbing eyes and another
splayed across my tender shoulders. If I've
ever assumed the stance of a femme fatale draped on a quilted couch, it was
probably then…minus the makeup and perfect hair.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Home Improvement
For the past three years I've been devouring books,
magazines, websites, and conversations to aid me in designing my dream home – a
cabin-y cottage equipped to be our family’s homestead hub. Until we’re ready to build, Weldon and I are
living in a glorified garage. It sounds
a bit off kilter, but I assure you, our 1,200 square-foot shop building is an
absolutely wonderful home…even with plywood walls, a concrete floor, metal
ceilings, and a trailer-sized roll-up door.
Recently, it began to dawn on me that I've spent so much effort defining
my future ideal that I haven’t given full attention to my current dwelling. So, having made peace with staying where we
are for at least another two years, I set out last week to look at our space with
fresh eyes and renewed vigor. Saturday’s
grand finale was a John Deere tractor rolling toward my door with a piano dangling from
its pallet forks. Yes, you read that
right. All I can say is, “It was a good
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Calm Before the Storm
For obvious reasons, I was never a Boy Scout. And despite my thorough enjoyment of Tagalong cookies, I wasn't a Girl Scout, either. Somewhere along the line I still got the message: Be Prepared. This weekend our community was abuzz with talk of the coming weather (even more than usual). A cold front was expected to change warm rain to a wintery mix to snow to below zero temperatures within just a couple hours' span on Sunday night. Unlike northern climes that brave subzero readings and copious amounts of snow for months at a time, our area isn't used to this drastic an arctic dip. Of greatest concern is our region's propensity for ice. The Ice Storm of 2009 left thousands without power for weeks (in addition to the millions of dollars of damage). Though that event was certainly the extreme, it was an excellent lesson in being prepared. The current winter flare up is intensely cold, but nowhere near as catastrophic or long-lasting as in 2009 (thankfully!). However, one of the crazy things about weather is that it's hard to know beforehand how bad it's really going to be. Without getting all doomsday about it, Weldon and I like to take advantage of the calm before the storm with a bit of old-fashioned preparation.
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A leafy welcome mat, thanks to swirling winds |
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...and so it begins. |
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Winter Hibernation

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