I can remember similar evenings from my childhood in Connecticut. I often went to bed
wondering if an approaching winter storm would cancel school. I’d wake up to a thick
white shroud blanketing everything my eye could see. Mmmm…a snow day! With a groggy smile, I’d turn over in my cozy
blankets for a few more hours’ hibernation.
Other mornings I’d wake to a disappointing dusting and some pesky ice
and carry on with business (or scholastics) as usual. On December 21st, I will have lived in the Bluegrass state for 6 years! For a gazillion reasons, this place is vastly different from where I grew up. I’m pleased to declare that most of these polarities are positive or neutral in my estimation.
This morning went a bit more like this…
I was awake and asleep off and on throughout the night. Nothing bothersome, but I admit I was
abnormally eager for a day off work and couldn't wait to check the online listing
of school cancellations (if any). At
5:30 a.m. I figured I was in the clear to creep out of bed and determine my day’s
fate. Tiptoeing through the darkness to
the living room I flipped on the laptop and loaded the listing. There it was in black and white – Cancelled on
Friday. Mmmm…a snow day! Off clicked the laptop and I went back to bed. “Are you staying home?” Weldon mumbled. “Mhmmm.”
“Oh good,” he offered sleepily.
Then we turned over in our cozy blankets for a few more hours’
Unfortunately, I couldn't
go back to sleep. My mind was too eager
to explore what I could get into on my first snow day of the year! Regardless, as a well-trained sleeper, I laid
very still with my eyes closed in hopes of squeezing out a few more winks of
rest. About an hour later I finally
conceded that there was no escaping my wakefulness. I opened my eyes. It was light out. Unable to see outside the bedroom window with
the shade drawn (next to Weldon’s slumbering head) I slithered out of the
covers and padded to the living room…
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Kentucky Snow Day |
I'm aware that our country roads are unusually prone to menacing ice and, in
these parts, every third home isn’t adorned with a snow-plow attachment or sanding
mechanism on their pickup truck. But this? A Snow Day? I'll take it!! Apparently one
of the many positives of living here is that, unlike where I grew up, this
county (among many others nearby) sometimes cancels school based upon the weather that may come rather than the weather that has come. I say this kindly
and with a thankful heart, in part because the Director of Transportation for our county
schools -- who makes these cancellation decisions out of safety concerns for our
buses -- happens to be one of my husband’s cousins. Which brings me to yet another positive (most of the time) of living where I do: it’s quite possible to know or be related to nearly everybody.
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