Friday, December 6, 2013

Snow Day

I went to sleep last night later than I should have considering yesterday was an especially stimulating day (more on this another time).  Watching a severe winter storm continue its national invasion from the west, Weldon and I had begun making some preparations: stocking up on wood in the house, getting any fresh groceries we might need, postponing weekend plans, and taking a tally of candles and flashlights.  After an unusually warm week, there were no signs of snow, but yesterday evening rain fell in buckets and the temperatures were expected to drop.  My question was:  would the thermometer plummet rapidly enough for school to be closed by morning or would it flounder in its descent demanding that I finish my work week?  I can never tell what the weather will do in Kentucky, but I was willing to take a gamble and prolong my bedtime.  

I can remember similar evenings from my childhood in Connecticut.  I often went to bed wondering if an approaching winter storm would cancel school.  I’d wake up to a thick white shroud blanketing everything my eye could see.  Mmmm…a snow day!  With a groggy smile, I’d turn over in my cozy blankets for a few more hours’ hibernation.  Other mornings I’d wake to a disappointing dusting and some pesky ice and carry on with business (or scholastics) as usual.  On December 21st, I will have lived in the Bluegrass state for 6 years!  For a gazillion reasons, this place is vastly different from where I grew up.  I’m pleased to declare that most of these polarities are positive or neutral in my estimation.  

This morning went a bit more like this…

I was awake and asleep off and on throughout the night.  Nothing bothersome, but I admit I was abnormally eager for a day off work and couldn't wait to check the online listing of school cancellations (if any).  At 5:30 a.m. I figured I was in the clear to creep out of bed and determine my day’s fate.  Tiptoeing through the darkness to the living room I flipped on the laptop and loaded the listing.  There it was in black and white – Cancelled on Friday.  Mmmm…a snow day!  Off clicked the laptop and I went back to bed.  “Are you staying home?” Weldon mumbled.  “Mhmmm.”  “Oh good,” he offered sleepily.  Then we turned over in our cozy blankets for a few more hours’ hibernation.  

Unfortunately, I couldn't go back to sleep.  My mind was too eager to explore what I could get into on my first snow day of the year!  Regardless, as a well-trained sleeper, I laid very still with my eyes closed in hopes of squeezing out a few more winks of rest.  About an hour later I finally conceded that there was no escaping my wakefulness.  I opened my eyes.  It was light out.  Unable to see outside the bedroom window with the shade drawn (next to Weldon’s slumbering head) I slithered out of the covers and padded to the living room… 

Kentucky Snow Day

I'm aware that our country roads are unusually prone to menacing ice and, in these parts, every third home isn’t adorned with a snow-plow attachment or sanding mechanism on their pickup truck.  But this? A Snow Day?  I'll take it!! Apparently one of the many positives of living here is that, unlike where I grew up, this county (among many others nearby) sometimes cancels school based upon the weather that may come rather than the weather that has come.  I say this kindly and with a thankful heart, in part because  the Director of Transportation for our county schools -- who makes these cancellation decisions out of safety concerns for our buses -- happens to be one of my husband’s cousins.  Which brings me to yet another positive (most of the time) of living where I do: it’s quite possible to know or be related to nearly everybody.  

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