Sweet Tea (Right) meet Kombucha (Left) |
Kombucha (Kahm - BOO - chuh) sounds like the name of an alien queen about to launch an inter-galactic attack. Fortunately for you and me, it is actually a fizzy, refreshing beverage that's simple to make at home and, like all ferments, carries a litany of health benefits (Sorry, no vaporizing laser guns). Weldon brews a batch of this fermented black tea nearly every week. We typically gulp the last drop just in time for the next batch to be poured up and chilled in the fridge. While some fermented drinks also create alcohol (think of grain-based beers or fruit-based wines), kombucha is not an alcoholic ferment. It's bubbly zing has a tasty finish that resembles a yeasty apple-y cider -- though go figure, it doesn't contain any apples. It's a healthful and delicious treat for anyone. Despite its exotic name and persona, kombucha is one of the easier ferments to undertake, in my opinion. If you're interested at all in incorporating fermentation into your culinary skills and dietary enjoyment (and health!), I highly recommend kombucha as an introduction. Soon, you may find yourself collecting crocks and jars to also make sauerkraut, pickles, vinegars, and more! For more detailed reading about fermentation including specifics about kombucha, anything by Sandor Ellix Katz is a MUST. The recipe below is derived from Katz's
Wild Fermentation.